Trees for the Earth – lets start planting
Now you can plant a tree in the occasion of Earth Day. In cooperation with the organization Forests of the World, you can now buy our limited Sprout Pencil Trees for the Earth Edition, and plant three trees.
Earth Day is, where millions of people set focus on environmental issues. At Sprout we try to focus on sustainability every day – but on top of this we have made a special effort to celebrate Earth Day. This year we have chosen to make a collaboration with Forests of the World and are introducing 3 new Sprout pencils with tree seeds. When you buy this package, 10 % of the sale is donated to Forest of the World.
The Forest of the World Pencil edition contains seeds from spruce, pine and birch. Plant your own trees with sprout – find the limited editon here.
Tree seeds are difficult to grow, so you need a lot of patience! We have chosen Norway spruce, Scotch pine and River birch as they are some of the easiest of the difficult tree seeds to germinate – and as a bonus we have included some wildflower seeds in each pencil – just to make it Sprout!
How to grow a pencil into a tree:
- Plant the Sprout pencil in a pot with good drainage, only covering the capsule with soil
- Make sure the soil is moist and keep it moist at all times
- The best time to plant is in the autumn, because the seeds has a natural dormancy that can be broken by the cold winter weather
- Place the pot outside in shade and protected from wind
- Water regularly
- Be patient
If you can’t wait to plant the pencil, try this method:
- Plant the Sprout pencil in a pot with good drainage, only covering the capsule with soil
- Make sure the soil is moist and keep it moist at all times
- If the tree seeds haven’t germinated within 3 weeks, put the whole flowerpot in a plastic bag and in the refrigerator for 4 weeks – this might help break the dormancy.
- Take the pot out and place it outdoor in a protected environment
- Water regularly and hopefully germination will occur within 2-3 weeks.
So let’s start planting! And we hope you will try to plant a tree from a pencil supporting sustainability and the forests of the world.
Have fun with it – and make trees sprout
Sprouting greetings
Green Thumb by Sprout
Helle Haugaard
Indlægget Earth day – plant a tree blev vist første gang den Sproutworld.