Transplant Cherry Tomato plants
Grow your own this year and learn how to transplant cherry tomato
It is almost time to start sowing tomato seeds if you want to grow your own small, red vitamin bombs. So go get started, write some notes, sharpen your Sprout pencil and write more notes, letters and to-do-lists, so you can use up you pencil and plant it!
Cherry tomatoes are great to start planting indoor in small containers. They need room temperature to germinate and a day length around 11 hours. If you sow the seeds too early, the plants will stretch for the light and get long and lanky instead of turning into more desirable compact plants.
How to transplant cherry tomato
Each pencil hold a couple of seeds and hopefully each seed will germinate and grow into a plant. So if you have various plants in a little spot your should start to transplant them. By transplanting the small tomato plants you give them more space and thus the best conditions according to sunlight and nutrients.
Here are some good tips to transplanting
- Water the soil 10-15 min. before transplanting, this makes it easier to divide the roots without harming them
- In the mean time prepare as many flower pots as there are plants. Fill them up with soil and make a hole in the middle using your finger. The soil should be moist, but not soaking wet.
- Carefully dig up the small plants avoiding harming the roots
- Very gently pull the small plants apart, they are fragile so treat the whole plant gently.
- Immediately transplant each little plant to its new flower pot and cover its roots with soil adding a slightly pressure around the stem with your fingertips.
- Water again and remember to water regularly keeping the soil moist
You can also watch the video below on how to transplant cherry tomato plantes
Cherry tomatoes become quite big plants, so you may need to transplant them more than once during the spring. You can grow tomatoes indoor in your windowsill, in containers on the balcony or deck, in a green house or in the garden in a sunny and warm place.
Are you going to grow some tomatoes this year?
We are! It is so nice to grow a little bit of your own food, knowing exactly where it has come from and how it has been grown.
You can grow your cherry tomato from both our Sprout pencils and color pencils.
Transplant cherry tomato
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